Thursday, March 12, 2015

Renowned Heroine Mary Musgrove


A passage about Mary Musgrove (who was featured in the novel, Horse-Shoe Robinson) from King's Mountain and Its Heroes:...:

Background of the author of Horse-Shoe Robinson, John Pendleton Kennedy, 1795-1870, and his novel, can be found here in Documenting The American South (University of North Carolina):

"Kennedy's...second and most successful novel, Horse-Shoe Robinson: A Tale of the Tory Ascendancy (1835), is an historical romance set during the American Revolution."

"...Horse-Shoe Robinson, a work of historical fiction, depicts the severity of southern colonial life at the end of the American Revolution. The novel follows the travels of Major Arthur Butler and Sergeant Galbraith "Horse-Shoe" Robinson as they head south from Virginia to help the Continental Army's General Clark reclaim military outposts at Ninety-Six and Augusta."

"Adair, a former friend to Robinson and the Continental Cause, had recently been bribed by Tories to deliver his friend and Butler into their possession. Although Adair's niece, Mary Musgrove, hears of the plotted ambush and tries to warn Butler in his sleep, the two men find themselves the captives of several Tory ruffians the next day."

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